Concert "This is what home sounds like" l 16.11.2024

Felix Räuber in Gottleubatal
The music night will be opened by Felix Räuber at the Gasthof Hillig. He will present his project "This is what home sounds like. This is what Saxony sounds like". On an unprecedented three-year acoustic search for clues, the Polarkreis-18 singer ("Allein, allein"), composer and artist Felix Räuber has collected musical motifs, sounds, melodies and songs from German musical culture. This has resulted in a unique musical work of art that ranges from the songs of the Sorbian Easter riders to the background noises of Erzgebirge mines. This very personal "soundtrack of home" can now be experienced as a fascinating live concert and film screening. Felix Räuber shows how diverse and varied, and by no means dusty, home is today. In his project, he brings together musicians with different artistic roots, all of whom have found their home in Saxony. Together they have created a work that seems to have a magic about it. Although they couldn't be more different, they unite their home and their love of music. The event begins at 7 p.m. and lasts 90 minutes.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The Gasthof Hillig team is ready to serve drinks. Admission to this concert is free. Please register by calling 035023 52980 or emailing

Free online tickets are available here:—eine-veranstaltung-mit-felix-raeuber-von-polarkreis-18

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